Главная » 2016 » Январь » 23 » Контрольный тест по английскому языку 10 класс с ответами
Контрольный тест по английскому языку 10 класс с ответами

I.Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

Gymnastics (is/ are) my favourite sport.
The trousers you bought for me (don’t/ doesn’t) fit me.
The police (want/ wants) to interview that man.
Fortunately the news (wasn’t/ weren’t) as bad as we expected.
Where (do/ does) your family live?

II.Some sentences of the following are correct, some have mistakes in them. Rewrite the sentences with the mistakes.

The Titanic was sunk by an iceberg.
The boat sank without trace.
Her hair soon dried by the wind.
The hole soon filled with water.
Inflation was increased over the last six months.

III.“For” or “to”?

1. He will come later. Will you cook some food … him?

2. His company pays good money … him.

3. Jane sent some flowers … her mother.

4. She poured some coffee … us.

5. Can you save a cake … me?

IV.Translate the sentences into English.

1. Это платье выглядит слишком потрепанным.

2. Нищий не выбирает.

3. Я не собираюсь рисковать.

4. Я нашел это решение совсем случайно.

5. Во времена своей юности он едва сводил концы с концами.

V.Choose the right variant.

1. She did not object … seeing Frances.

a) to b) against c) from d) for

2. I take all the blame … not seeing further than my nose.

a) on b) from c) for d) of

3. She only succeeded … blocking the way.

a) on b) in c) forward d) at

4. A crowd of … people were watching the firemen trying to save the … building.

a) exciting, burning b) excited, burnt c) exciting, burnt d) excited, burning

5. I truly regret … to you like that.

a) to talk b) talked c) talking d) talk


I.Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

1. (This/ These) sheep are going to be sent to the annual exhibition.

2. (Potato/ Potatoes) (is/ are) very cheep in autumn.

3. His clothes (was/ were) wet.

4. He has impressive (look/ looks).

5. The majority of teachers (is/ are) women.

II.Some sentences of the following are correct, some have mistakes in them. Rewrite the sentences with the mistakes.

1. The piano was being played by somebody in the hall.

2. The boat sailed on Sunday.

3. The cars of this make sell nicely.

4. Roses have always grown by him in this garden.

5. He forgot to ring the bell.

III.“For” or “to”?

1. I lent my bike … John and he hasn’t returned it yet.

2. They painted that picture … you.

3. She didn’t want to tell her problems … her parents.

4. The manager offered a promotion … her.

5. The agent forgot to book a room … us.

IV. Translate the sentences into English.

Стоимость проезда в общественном транспорте постоянно растет.
С годами она стала очень полной.
Помни, что счастье строят, а не находят.
Постарайся выглядеть повеселее ради своей матери.
На работе он постоянно возмущается.

V.Choose the right variant.

1. We will have you … English fluently in a month.

a) to speak b) spoken c) speaking d) speak

2. It’s time we … .

a) began with b) got back to the point c) to put it another way d) honest

3. Many people find it extremely difficult to … to a diet.

a) stick b) follow c) sit d) stay

4. I won’t recognize him as I gave him only a … glance.

a) long b) thoughtful c) intent d) cursory

5. She only succeeded … blocking the way.

a) on b) in c) forward d) at
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